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 one of the most common question asked about maritime lawyers is what is a maritime lawyer and what do they do a maritime lawyer is an attorney that specializes in maritime injuries and boating accidents that occur in both recreational and commercial maritime activities maritime lawyers protect not only same and who are injured on the job but maritime attorneys also protect those who are involved in recreational boating accident injuries the types of

 activities that maritime attorneys may conduct including trying cases in code drafting documents negotiating agreements and handling complaints about injuries or illness caused by various types of maritime basil or seacraft as well as companies damping hazardous waste into the sea what is maritime law as one of the oldest branches of law maritime law also known as admiralty law predates the constitutions maritime law is defined as law that relates to commerce and navigation on the high seas and other navigational waters and that is administered by the admiral admiralty of course my dream law generally encompasses both local laws u.s law and as well as international laws 

these laws provide the rules that govern thoughts injuries contracts and any type of offense that occurs near a body of navigable water on a body of negative water or in a body of navigating water what does a maritime lawyer need to know maritime law can often be extremely complex and maritime lawyers should be well-versed in international federal and state laws additionally a maritime lawyer

 needs to know the specific regarding marine insurance marine pollution and employee compensation to name a few maritime lawyers even need to know foreign corruption and understand anti-bravery provision as set foot by the united states department of justice what is the jones act the jones act is a law set forth by the mercent marine act of 1920 which governs the shipment of goods in

 the united states the jones act is almost relevant to those who work at sea and become injured the basis of the law ensure that the employer take responsibility for a worker who is injured at sea while on the job a worker covered under the jones act is untitled not only for pain and sufferings endured after the accident but all lost income due to the accident as well compensation claims for a maritime

 injury a maritime injury claims is similar to a workers compensation claim the only difference is that a maritime injury settlement tends to be a lot larger by compensating comparison this is due to the fact that working on a basil puts works workers at a much higher risk than many other works the higher settlement compensate for this fact if you suffered a maritime enjoy on the job and qualify as a semen under the jones act you can be compensated for lost income present and future income health care loss health care cost loss of your

 faculties both physical and mental any treatment or rehabilitation pain mental distress and other expenses as they relate to your injury who is covered under the jones sect the jones act covers semen who are injured on the job to qualify as a seaman a worker has to be on board navigating vessel at least 30 percent of time this means that an employee can spend 70 percent of his time working on land but if that same employee spends 30 percent of his time working on a

 vehicle he is still covered under the jones act common causes of maritime injury although maritime law covers a wide area of categories there are some maritime injuries that are more common than others the worst majority of accidents that occur on maritime vessel are sleep and fall injuries in fact this type of injury makes up a little over 40 percent of all maritime injuries according to os aca considering that any type of sea vessel is going to have a lot of

 weights of surface this is not surprising however employers should make every force to train employees in preventing sleep and fall injuries other types of injuries occur from exposure to hazardous chemicals and toxic respiratory agents working in confined spaces lifting heavy objects using repeated movements while working and working near missions that can cause harm what should i do after a maritime injury the first step after any injury including a maritime

 injury is to get medical treatment no matter what pain and suffering you are dealing with you want this to be on the record just in case even if you are not planning on filling a lawsuit you never know what the what the long-term consequence of your injury may be and if you decide to sue at later date you give yourself the option also you may not know the full extent of your injuries and a medical act doctor is in the best position to make a final determination immediately following this accident if you are able be sure to get

 pictures of the vessel and the work area where you were endured if you are unable to take photos yourself make sure that a workmate is able to get photos for you again even if you don't plan on feeling a lawsuit for your maritime injury you are still covering your bases your bases just in case be sure that photographs are taken of

 whatever caused the injury the surroundings and any machinery or equipment that was being used before the injury the last step is to contact a highly qualified maritime injury lawyer most maritime

 attorneys offer a free consultation and will be able able to help you decide whether or not you have a maritime injury case if you'd like to discuss your maritime injury with a maritime attorney at patrick daniel law call 713-999-6666 or text 713-903-7588 to speak to an attorney now


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